

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is it raining??

If it's raining then you need an alternative cardio. Got some stairs? Try running (or walking fast) up and down the stairs 10 times for 4 sets. It's a great leg workout and if you add some weights (can be 2 big soup cans) and do bicep curls on your way up you can get a little arms in too. In between your stair sets add 12+ jumping jacks

Jumping rope is also an excellent cardio that can be done in your garage!

For lower impact try mall walking. There are actually mall-walking clubs. Check for a local mall walkers group and make some new friends. Anytime you can workout with someone else you tend to push yourself a little harder. :)

Cycling & BRISK Walking are excellent ways of controlling body fat & promoting weight control!!

Brisk walking is typically recommended as the best exercise for promoting weight control. A Harvard University study of pre-menopausal women showed that cycling was just as effective for long-term weight maintenance as brisk walking. Riding 2-3 hours a week prevented weight gain in the long run. You must, however, remember to walk FAST and get your heart rate up as slow walking (less than 3 mph) has almost no effect on weight loss!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Add these to your workout

To increase the difficulty of your crunches try these:

Bicycle crunches. According to a San Diego State University study, bicycle crunches are the most effective abs exercise around, generating tons of muscle activity in the obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis. Pedal Away!

Lay on your back, your head and your arms should move as one unit as you twist to each side while your legs "pedal" back and forth. Hips should maintain contact with the floor.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"I love when you run"

Those were my 13 yr old daughter's words to me after I ran the other day because I was in such a good mood after my morning run. When you are doing something you love or you simply look good you feel good~but cultivating that beauty is an often forgotten way of improving your mood. If you are like most people, you will probably reach for some potato chips over perfume when you need an attitude adjustment. Instead of rummaging through your pantry see what's hiding in your vanity. Indulge your senses and it will keep you from finishing that bag of chips!

Do you have low back pain?

If so, make sure your drinking enough of the right fluids- more water and less coffee and alcohol! Lower back pain can be caused by mild dehydration (dehydrated discs don't provide as much cushion). Secondly, learn dehydration symptoms, which include dry lips and skin, fatigue, headaches and well, low back pain.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Drum roll please.....

and the winner is...... Booty Duty Crew..... (hear the screaming and cheering:)
Thank you Brooke and to everyone that made suggestions!!

Brooke's prize is a vitamin supplement of her choice from Isotonix! Whoo Hoo!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Have you written your goals yet??

Goals are important to have. If you haven't written yours down yet stop and do it right now!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1st day for my FB friends (until we get our name)

What you must have to get started:

*comfortable exercise clothes and good cross-trainers or running shoes
*WATER (I'll be sharing ways to add water to your everyday routine)

What I suggest you also have:

*Your favorite upbeat music! Studies show that you have much more productive and enjoyable workouts when listening to upbeat music! I never do a workout without music..ever.

*a pen and small journal to keep track of how many reps you are able to do of each exercise (you will see your results faster)

*take and write down your starting measurements and if you are a scale person then write your starting weight down in your journal but I'd rather you NOT get on the scale again until the end of your 12 weeks!! The reason why is this: you may not lose pounds right away and can get discouraged but you COULD lose inches much will see this and feel it when you put on your clothes so don't get caught up in the numbers. How you feel about yourself is what is most important and there is something very rewarding about fitting back into that favorite outfit you "used" to be able to wear.

*have a GOAL and WRITE IT DOWN WHERE YOU SEE IT EVERYDAY!! It can be looking hot for an upcoming vacation, wedding, reunion OR and outfit that you love and can fit in anymore..whatever it is look at it everyday. It's very motivating!!

*Come up with your plan...decide how many times you will exercise in a week! I highly recommend at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

My plan is to workout 5 days a week. 3 cardio days (speed/fast walking, running, biking, etc..) and 2 days of the "On the Go Workout" I have found the below workout is a great one because you essentially need only your body weight, a clock and a jump rope (if you have one) so it's easy to do when you are traveling as well..No excuses not to get it done!!) It may not look like much but it's a doosy. :)

This workout can also be varied based on your skill level because of the 1 minute do as many as you can for 1 minute..just starting out you may not be able to do that many but you will quickly see that you are getting stronger because you will be able to do more as time goes on.

On-The Road Workout

All you need is a clock, a jump rope, and your own body weight.

Jump rope for 1 minute (no jump rope, then just jump in place and keep your arms moving too)

Squats for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds- 4 sets (feet shoulder width apart and go as low as you can in a squatting position; stick your butt out like you are going to sit in a chair however do NOT let your knees go over the the tops of your toes) Your knees should be lined up in a straight line so you can still see your toes when you squat)

Jump rope for 1 minute

Push-ups for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute - 4 sets (these can be bent knee or regular but not dipping backs..keep your neck and back in line)

Jump rope for 1 minute

Step-ups for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds - 4 sets (any stair will do)

Jump rope for 1 minute

Dips for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds - 4 sets Dips force you to lift your own body-weight. Stressing your upper-body & thus building muscle. Raise yourself on 2 supports (chairs) or a bench with elbows locked. Lower your body until your shoulders are lower than your elbows. Push yourself up by straightening your arms.

Jump rope for 1 minute

Crunches for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds - 4 sets go to and type in "How to do a crunch" for proper form

Jump rope for 1 minute

DONE IN UNDER 30 MINUTES! (But only if you keep moving!:)

We will vary this workout so as not get bored with it and also add some other muscle groups!

I'm looking forward to some great results!!! Remember you MUST EAT HEALTHY and EXERCISE daily in order to get the results you desire!!

How bad do you want it??

See you tomorrow! :)